Monday, October 15, 2012

How do you star a Business

 UpperClass Business #1

Those who want to start a business off on the right foot need to engage in some careful planning and then take some important legal steps in order to prepare to do business with the public.
The following sections cover the planning stage, the financing stage and the legal preparation stage that a business founder will ideally need to go though in order to start a business.

The Planning Stage

The first step to take when you want to start a business should be the preparation of a detailed business plan.  This blueprint for your new business will cover how you will set up and run your business profitably, as well as what your startup costs are likely to be.
If you are new to starting businesses, then you can take a course on how to start a business properly, as well as some guidance on how to operate successfully to give yourself more information, strategies and confidence.
You then need to identify suitable business premises of appropriate size and zoning located where your potential customers can easily find you, and which is currently available for rental or purchase.  Be sure to contact the landlord or owner to determine availability, whether you will qualify to buy or rent it, and the costs involved in securing it.

The Financing Stage

Once you have successfully passed the planning stage, you are ready to look for financing for your new business. If you are independently wealthy, then you can finance it yourself. Alternatively, you can seek additional private financing options from well to do family members or friends by requesting an audience with them and presenting your business plan.
If those methods of funding do not give you the amount you need to start a business, then you can apply for more public funding methods, which would include government backed business loans and bank loans. Depending on the nature of your business, grants may also be available to you.
Another option involves approaching venture capital companies with your business plan to see if they might be interested in providing financing. They typically pool their investors’ funds and so have more money to invest in worthy business ideas.

The Legal Preparation Stage

This is the final stage of the business startup process and it typically starts with deciding upon a suitable legal structure for your business. For example, it can be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation, a non-profit, etc.
You then need to come up with a business name and register it with your state’s government, usually via the Secretary of State’s office.
At this stage you can obtain a Tax Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service, as well as from your state’s tax authority.  If you plan on hiring employees, then you will need to look into insurance that will cover workers’ compensation, unemployment and disability.  Securing liability and property insurance may also make sense.
The final step that needs to be taken before you can open your business is to obtain all permits required to operate your business from the appropriate federal, state, county and city authorities.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

UpperClass Swag

Upperclass Swag Store

Today we are getting our mind of the stress of having a business.Today we are going to shop online
First thing first If you like to dress to impress,or simple love fashion
go and like UpperClass Swag Store page on Facebook HERE (
UpperClass Swag Store is basically a online store ta sell urban styled and casual clothing for men,boys a now also for women.Great prices in different currency...Go take a look now HERE and "LIKE" the page please.

any inquire you can always contact Upperclass Swag Store at support@upperclass-swag
or contact UpperClass Business website on "contact" page. or  mail us at

Now...Here we go..Did you "Like" UpperClass Swag Store on Facebook already??


to be continued

Mind of an Entrepreneur

Inside the Mind of an Entrepreneur #1

 What is Entrepreneur?

  1. A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on financial risk to do so.
  2. A promoter in the entertainment industry.
If you plan to start a business the first thing to do is to understand who is an entrepreneur so you will know what to expect. The road to starting your business is a long and difficult one. It is not for the faint hearted. Neither it is for those who plan to make a fast dollar.
For many, entrepreneurship is mysterious and starting a business is only for special people. While entrepreneurship is not for everyone, it can be learnt and practiced. However, to be a successful entrepreneur you must have certain characteristics. Your mind must be wired differently.
 Wired differently means that you have to be a
  • Risk Taker
  • Creativity
  • Confident
  • Highly Charged 
  • Tenacity
  • Organized
  • Future Thinker
  • It's all in the mind
Want to know more? UpperClass Business will explain every word one per one and why these are so important for entrepreneurs.I hope That you will be here on our next post


Business Dictionary

Business Dictionary #1

Sometimes when you are searching on a online store you might see so many words
that you don't know what they really means.Maybe you can imagine what i could mean
but is that its really meaning?
Well,UpperClass Business compromise to share a number of business words that everyone should
know.Whether you are a business owner or a buyer.This is our first post and we shall start  with some easy words that are also important to know.As we keep going we will post more difficult words and its meaning

Business Words

Talk like a Executive

Business - An organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money. Every business requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to make a profit Businesses can be privately owned, not-for-profit or state-owned. An example of a corporate business is PepsiCo, while a mom-and-pop catering business is a private enterprise

Management -1.The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials, and money.

2.The directors and managers who have the power and responsibility to make and oversee an enterprise.
decisions The size of management can range from one person in a small organization to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies. In large organizations, the board of directors defines the policy which is then carried out by the chief executive officer, or CEO. Some people agree that in order to evaluate a company's current and future worth, the most important factors are the quality and experience of the managers.

 Marketing -The management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer. It includes the coordination of four elements called the 4 P's of marketing:
(1) identification, selection and development of a product,
(2) determination of its price,
(3) selection of a distribution channel to reach the customer's place, and
(4) development and implementation of a promotional strategy.

UpperClass Business is Sole Partnership.What a sole partnership means,and all the other types of partnership that do exist will be post on the #2 business dictionary blog

Business Words

Talk like a Executive

 Business Dictionary #2


Partnership - A type of business organization in which two or more individuals pool money, skills, and other resources, and share profit and loss in accordance with terms of the partnership agreement. In absence of such agreement, a partnership is assumed to exit where the participants in an enterprise agree to share the associated risks and rewards proportionately .

Sole Partnership/Proprietor - Sole owner of a business; a self-employed person such as a grocer, plumber, or taxi driver. He or she directs the affairs of the enterprise, bears its risks and losses, and takes the profits and benefits. Also called sole trader.

c/o- Care of. An abbreviation that is used to direct correspondence to a particular place. It is typically used for an addressee who is not at the usual place where he or she would receive correspondence.

Group- A collection of individuals who have regular contact and frequent interaction, mutual influence, common feeling of camaraderie, and who work together to achieve a common set of goals.

Corporation- Firm that meets certain legal requirements to be recognized as having a legal existence, as an entity separate and distinct from its owners. Corporations are owned by their stockholders (shareholders) who share in profits and losses generated through the firm's operations, and have three distinct characteristics (1) Legal existence: a firm can (like a person) buy, sell, own, enter into a contract, and sue other persons and firms, and be sued by them. It can do good and be rewarded, and can commit offence and be punished. (2) Limited liability: a firm and its owners are limited in their liability to the creditors and other obligors only up to the resources of the firm, unless the owners give personal-guaranties. (3) Continuity of existence: a firm can live beyond the life spans and capacity of its owners, because its ownership can be transferred through a sale or gift of shares.
2. Municipal authority of a town or city.
3. A very large, usually diversified, firm

Incorporated Business-An enterprise that has gone through the formal legal process of becoming a corporation. The laws governing how to form an incorporated business are different in each country, and in the United States, the individual states determine their incorporation regulations and a company needs to select a state in which to file its incorporation documents.